Page 6 - Guida di Cesana
P. 6

la Casa dei Cossul, conosciuta anche come il ‘Castello di Solomiac’, tipico
    esempio di secentesca ‘casa fortezza’, dotata di sotterranei che si erige in
    ben 4 piani fuori terra.
    Sagnalonga. Località montana (1.995m) in prossimità del Monginevro.
    Dotata di impianti sciistici, risulta inserita in un paesaggio puro e armoni-
    co caratterizzato da esempi di recente edilizia residenziale che risalgono
    alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Da segnalare il rifugio Gran Pace.
    Thures (1.650m). Il suo nome proviene da thul che, in dialetto, significa
    tiglio. Il sito abitativo che si sostanzia prevalentemente in baite caratte-
    rizzate dai tipici tetti in legno o in lose, lontano dall’ideologia del grande
    complesso residenziale, nel tempo si è mantenuto fedele ad un concetto
    della montagna tramandato come luogo puro e vivificante adatto al risto-
    ro del corpo e dello spirito.
    Rhuilles. Piccola borgata alpina con caratteristiche grange limitrofa al
    torrente Thuras. Negli anni ’30 fu aperto un rifugio del C.A.I. con servizio
    di cantina e possibilità d’alloggio, che migliorava l’ospitalità del borgo e
    favoriva l’afflusso di alpinisti e sciatori.
    Thures Gorlier. Borgata montana immersa in suggestivo scenario natu-
    rale, dista poco più di un chilometro da Thures.
                                             Dario Reteuna
                         Cesana, Bousson. Casa delle lapidi
                         Collezione Privata.

       Cesana: notable is the Church of St. Giovanni Battista whose steeple goes back to the 11 th cent.  with a
    portal of the 500. The inner part is divided into three naves with a coffered ceiling (18 th cent. ) by Françoise
    Roi. The building can boast a baptismal font (16 th cent. ) in Bousson marble, a rare example of renaissance
    art in Val Susa.
    Autagne: notable is a cross made by the partisan Federico Gallice (1940’s) for his escape from the German
    troops during the last war.
    Bousson: (1,425m) characterised by its rustic dwellings, hosts the Parish Church (1500) enriched with
    a portal in engraved stone, the small Church of Santo Spirito and what remains of the mysterious ‘Casa  Art and Hamlets
    delle Lapidi’.
    Colombières: (1,500m) plunged into a fantastic mountain peace, now inhabited only during the summer.
    San Sicario: situated in a strategic position, so much that in 1708 Vittorio Amedeo II’s troops resisted
    and won against the overwhelming French army led by Villars Marshal. With a recent urban development,
    was recently turned into a skiing resort. The lower part preserves the features of an old mountain village.
    Notable is the Church of St. Anastasio (1906) rebuilt on the ruins of the previous one, the 16thcent.
    ‘retable’ of which can still be seen.
    Fenils: (1,276m) characterised by its antique mountain ‘granges’, religious buildings and by an ethno-
    graphic museum. The name Fenils derives from ‘Ad fines’ because at the time of King Cozio the inhabited
    area was on the border between the Segovi and Belaci tribes. To be remembered also the Church of St.
    Giuliano (1490) in gothic style. Fenils is a starting point for excursions such as the one to the Santuario
    della Madonna del Forno (17 th cent. ) and to Mt Chaberton (3,130m) where one can see the remains of the
    eight towers of the ‘Batterie dello Chaberton’ the highest fortification in Europe.
    Champlas Seguin: picturesque mountain hamlet where time seems to have stood still, originally mountain
    pasture, today it has a tourist settlement.
    Mollierès: typical alpine village. Its name derives from the Latin word ‘molare’, small hill, and has lately
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