Page 4 - Guida di Cesana
P. 4

sito verso altre località, ma anche luogo di convergenza dei maggiori im-
    pianti sportivi della zona, si prepara a ribadire e sviluppare ulteriormente
    la propria vocazione turistica. Cesana infatti è collegata al grande com-
    prensorio sciistico della Vialattea con una seggiovia che raggiunge i cam-
    pi e le piste dei Monti della Luna e si collega con gli impianti di Claviere, e
    con una telecabina sul versante opposto che si collega con quelli di San
    Sicario e, quindi di Sestriere.
    Dunque Cesana, con il suo bagaglio di tradizioni storiche legate allo sci,
    ha vissuto da protagonista l’ebbrezza sportiva, essendo anch’essa luogo
    partecipe, nel suo pittoresco teatro architettonico montano, dei Giochi
    Olimpici Invernali di Torino nel 2006.
                                             Dario Reteuna

    himself and stabbed the marquis to death. The revenge hit his family as well: his two daughters entered a  Introduction
       Cesana (1,354m), at the bottom of Mount Chaberton and at the confluence of the streams Ripa
    and Piccola Dora, is the ideal spot for many winter sports and to enjoy a relaxing holiday.
    Its origins date back to the High Middle Ages; the Dauphin Guigo V obtained its possession in 1155 and also
    the permission to coin currency from the Emperor Federico I. In 1343, Cesana, found itself in the Republic
    of the Éscarton of Oulx, until the concession to the Savoy Family (1713 - Treaty of Ultrecht). In 1708,
    during the Spanish wars of succession, the troops of Vittorio Amedeo II were driven out of Clavières and of
    S. Sicaire, and withdrew in Cesana, but the French, inspite of heroic resistance, succeeded in devastating
    the village, plundering and setting fires. From the 18 th cent.  Cesana became less important, but was later
    compensated by the building of new roads which favoured business. Cesana can boast to have hosted one
    of the most famous writers of the Italian literature, Vittorio Alfieri who, in the tranquillity of Casa Alliaud,
    spent his summer holidays and wrote some of his most famous ‘Tragedie’. It is worth mentioning one taken
    from a volume from 1933: a bloody episode about the Marquis Tosolano Desorsus, a squire hated by the
    population because of his abuses and for trapping women. One of the husbands greatly offended vindicated

    convent in Oulx, one son, who inherited his father’s wickness, was forced to go up the steeple of Cesana
    and while the young man was leaning against the small column of one of the mullioned windows, he was
    pushed over the edge. The small pillar (previously broken) collapsed and the young marquis fell down and
    died. It fell apart and was never replaced; today it is still missing in the mullioned window looking towards
    Cesana today is an important place known for healthy living and also as a link to the major sport facilities
    of the area. In fact it is connected to the Vialattea by a chair lifts which reach the pistes of the Monti della
    Luna and is linked with the lift of Claviere, and by a cable car on the opposite side which is linked with San
    Sicario and Sestriere. With all its historical traditions related to skiing, Cesana Torinese was one of the main
    protagonists during the exciting sport events of the 2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games.

       Cesana (1.354m)  située aux pieds du mont Chaberton et à la confluence des torrents Ripa et
    Piccola Dora, c’est l’endroit idéal pour séjourner en été et en hiver pour la pratique de nombreux sports.
    Ses origines remontent au Moyen-Âge; en 1115, le Dauphin Guigo V obtint de l’empereur Frédéric I
    (1155) la confirmation de pouvoir posséder et frapper sa propre monnaie. En 1343 Cesana faisait partie
    de l’Éscarton d’Oulx, en 1713 elle fut cédée à la Savoie, à travers le traité d’Utrecht). En 1708, pendant la
    guerre de succession d’Espagne, les troupes de Vittorio Amedeo II furent chassées de Clavières et des hau-
    teurs de San Sicaire et s’arrêtèrent à Cesana. Cependant, les Français, et ce malgré la résistance héroïque  Introduction
    rencontrée, réussirent à entrer dans le village qui fut dévasté à coups de massacres, pillages et incendies. Au
    XVIII sièc  Cesana perd de son importance en tant que place stratégique. Ce manque fut plus tard compensé
    par la construction de nouvelles rues qui favorisèrent le développement commercial. Cesana peut se vanter
    d’avoir reçu un des personnages les plus illustres de la littérature: Vittorio Alfieri. Celui ci, profitant du calme
    estival de la Casa Alliaud, composa quelques unes de ses célèbres Tragédies.
    Cesana, connue aujourd’hui comme lieu de villégiature et centre de convergence des rémontées mécan-
    iques de la zone, se prépare à développer sa propre vocation touristique. En effet, elle est rattachée au
    grand domaine skiable de la Vialattea grâce au télésiège qui porte vers les pistes des ‘Monti della Luna’
    de Claviere et à une télécabine, qui permet d’être reliée à San Sicairo et à Sestriere. Avec son bagage de
    traditions liées au ski et dans son théâtre architecturel pittoresque montagnard, Cesana, a vécu de front
    l’ébriété sportive,  des Jeux Olympiques d’hiver de Turin en le 2006.
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