Page 7 - Guida di Oulx
P. 7

Casa delle Meridiane ora Casa Roux. Oltre alla meridiana presente
         sulla facciata, nel cortile interno se ne trovano altre due di dimensio-
         ni minori recanti la scritta Comptons les par nos bienfaits e Ultima multis. L’antica
         strada di Francia percorreva l’odierna via Roma, per poi sfilare qui da-
         vanti, la casa fu infatti utilizzata come stazione di cambio della posta.
         Oulx deve il suo prestigio alla Prevostura di San Lorenzo (XI sec. ) sop-
         pressa nel 1749. A testimonianza dell’antica struttura rimangono il
         campanile della chiesa di San Pietro, sulle rovine della quale fu co-
         struita l’attuale chiesa del Sacro Cuore; la casa del prevosto su cui si
         legge la data del 1663 e l’iscrizione Sub Renato Renata, rinata sotto il
         Prevosto René de Birague la cui tomba si trova all’interno della chie-
         sa; una croce granitica, un arco con lo scudo araldico e la secentesca
         torre Richélmy. Oggi il luogo è curato dai Padri Salesiani.

              The Route Des Ambrois, opened in 2011 for 150  anniversary of the Unification of Italy,
       Art  intends to introduce the figure of the minister Des Ambrois through the places that have cha-
         racterized his life. Along the way are placed 5 sculptures, winners of the International Sympo-
         sium of Sculpture, Oulx (2010). The old town has been divided into two centres in the langue d’Oc
         respectively called Viérë (Upper Village) and Plan (Lower Village).
         You can access Viérë by navigating a flight of stone steps that once connected the Des Ambrois
         family residence to the garden and the mill below. The Jardin d’la Tour, enclosed by a wall, was
         purchased by the city in 2003 which turned it into a public park.
         The Delfinale Tower (second half of 1300’s) is erroneously called ‘Saracen’, although it dates
         back at least four centuries to the Saracen invasions (10 th cent. ). It is likely that it was built for
         residential use rather than military.
         Piazza Mistral, named after the French poet of the Occitan language Nobel Prize for Literature
         (1904), was known as Piazza del forno (oven square). Restored in 2001, the communal oven is
         still used on festive occasions, such as St. Sebastian (20th Jan). The square is adorned by a large
         delfinale fountain which served as a cattle trough, while the covered washhouse fed by its own
         spring, was used for domestic requirements.
         Casa Bermond, 17 th cent.  building with two floors overlooking via Des Ambrois includes a large
         courtyard enclosed on four sides, which overlooks the oldest building (1500).
         Casa Des Ambrois. Louis François Des Ambrois De Nevache was born here (30 th  Oct. 1807). The
         state of preservation of the building and historical artifacts kept there is excellent. To note are the
         archives of the Signoria of Névache, family portraits, a portrait of the leader La Cazette, a Roman
         milestone found near the train station, during the construction of the Fréjus railway line and the
         head of the last bear of the Western Alps, killed in 1820 near Gad.
         Casa Gally, once casa Bonnet, is a listed building and is one of the oldest buildings in Oulx, (end
         of 1400’s). The house has a special cantilevered facade and an entrance gate on the side of the
         alley that separates it from the Des Ambrois’ house. Carved in a stone are the probable initials of
         the householder and monograms with ‘M’ for Mary and ‘JHS’ for Jesus.
         Also Casa Prat which consists of two buildings separated by a large courtyard and to the rear
         there is a garden.
         Captain La Cazette’s House, now Casa Ambrosiani. The great sixteenth-century building with
         stone windows, was the home of Jean Arlaud, known as Captain La Cazette, commander of the
         troops at the time of the Catholic religious wars between Catholics and Waldenses (16 th cent. ). La
         Cazette was murdered in this house on 15 th  July 1590 by a handful of Waldensians. A century
         later, the Des Ambrois family moved into the house that, although plundered after the captain’s
         murder, remained the most beautiful and spacious home in the town. For this reason, the house
         hosted famous people such as the Constable Lesdiguières, King Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu.
         Casa of Meridians now Casa Roux. In addition to the sundial on the south side, in the inner
         courtyard there are another two bearing the words ‘par les Comptons bienfaits nos’ and ‘Ultima
         multis’. The old road to France ran along the present-day via Roma and then passed in front of
         this house, which was also used as a relay station for the postal service.
         Oulx owes its prestige to the Vicarage of San Lorenzo (11 th cent. ) being abolished in 1749. As
         testimony to the structure the bell tower of the church of St. Peter remains, on whose ruins was
         built the present church of the Sacred Heart, the home of the parish priest dated 1663 and the
         inscription ‘Sub Renata Renato’, a granite cross, a bow with a coat of arms and the seventeen-
         th-century Richélmy tower. Today the site is managed by the Salesians.
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