Page 7 - Guida diSusa e Meana di Susa
P. 7

Meana di Susa
         campanile romanico.
         Stupende sono le passeggiate che si dipartono da ogni borgata:  Forra
         delle Combe, la via che si inoltra nella regione Vaglio per raggiungere le
         Assiere, ricca di funghi e zona di antiche carbonaie; il sentiero che dal-
         le Assiere porta alla Cappella di S. Michele, situata su un’altura con una
         bellissima vista panoramica; l’ombroso sentiero che si snoda nel bosco e
         porta dalle Sarette ai Mulini, antica borgata, ormai abbandonata. Antichi
         sentieri sono il sentiero dei Frati, che ricorda i monaci della Certosa della
         Losa, primitiva sede dei Certosini ed il più conosciuto sentiero dei Fran-
         chi, che si dipana a mezza costa e difficilmente percorribile.
         Meana offre pure interessanti escursioni ad alta quota, come quelle verso
         l’Assietta ed il Colle delle Finestre. Meana, infatti, si può da sempre defi-
         nire punto di incrocio di due importanti strade: quella che a mezza costa
         del versante risaliva la valle e quella che univa, per il Colle delle Finestre,
          la conca di Susa alla Val Chisone.
            Meana di Susa (700m), whose ancient name was Mediana, lies in the Susa Valley, at the foot of a pass
         named Colle delle Finestre, and much of its territory is in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park. Meana is
         subdivided into 21 territorial units called ‘borgate’.
         In the village they can enjoy a beautiful landscape and lots of relaxing places, infact Meana is famous as
         a holiday resort. For those reasons the philosopher Benedetto Croce chose Meana as his favourite holiday
         resort. Ada Marchesini Gobetti and the renowned puppeteers Lupi (who worked for the Gianduia Theatre
         in Turin) are also among the ones who were fond of Meana.  Meana is about 50Km away from Turin, so
         it can be easily reached both from Turin and from the neighbouring cities by train (using the Torino-Bar-
         donecchia-Modane railway line) or by car - driving along the A32 motorway. Moreover, there is a shuttle
         bus service running between Meana and Susa.
         A building that had an important military function was the square tower, called ‘Torre delle Combe’, which
         rises near ‘the Castle’ and which could have been used either as a signal-tower or as a watch-tower. The
         village dwellers participated actively for the Resistance, in the partisan groups ‘Giustizia e Libertà’ and
         ‘Autonome’. Ada Marchesini Gobetti made borgata ‘Cordola’ - the area where she lived - one of the first
         bases of the Resistance in the whole valley.  The parish church of Meana di Susa is dedicated to St. Maria
         Assunta. The patron saint’s day, dedicated to St. Costanzo, is celebrated on the Sunday nearest to 18 th
         Sept. which is considered to be the anniversary of the martyrdom of the Theban soldier.
             Meana di Susa (700m), anciennne Mediana, se trouve en Vallée de Susa, aux pieds du Colle delle Fine-
         stre et la plupart de son territoire est compris au-dedans du parc Orsiera Rocciavré.  Meana se divise en 21
         bourgs, ils ont gardé leur ancienne saveur champêtre et leur vieux savoir. Les bourgs s’étendent clairsemés
         à demi-montagne, avec des espaces pour les jardins parmi les maisons, des espaces pour les châtaigner-
         aies, les vignobles, les vergers et les prairies entre un hameau et l’autre suivant une caractéristique gardée
         par les gens de Meana. Le bourg Campo del Carro est le centre administratif, social et religieux.
         Son importance comme station de villégiature est due surtout à son climat, à la tranquillité du lieu,
         à la beauté de son paysage, à ses sentiers qui permettent de faire des promenades délassantes et des
         excursions.   Meana est située à environs 50km de Torino et on peut bien la rejoindre soit du chef-lieu
         piémontais que d’autres localités à travers l’autoroute A32. La distance entre Meana et Susa est couverte
         par un service d’autobus.

             Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta.
                     Meana di Susa.
                   Archivio Comunale.
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